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Thursday, 27 October 2011

Which is the Most Influential, Advertising Versus Parents

Children were strongly influenced by food advertising, according to a new study published in the Journal of Pediatrics. This certainly increased the concerns of many parents about the negative impact of advertisements in healthy food choices for children.

According to a study conducted at Texas A & M International University, the message of the advertising of fast food has a considerable influence on children. However, the researchers emphasized that older people can still play an important role in encouraging their children to eat healthy.

"Children can be seen clearly influenced the ads they see, but that does not mean parents are helpless," said Dr. Christopher Ferguson of Texas A & M International University. "Parents have an advantage if they are consistent about applying to eat healthier in the long run."

The study involved 75 children aged between 3 to 5 years. All children watching two cartoon films with advertising inserts. The children were divided into two groups, half of the children watch a commercial for potato chips and the other half watching the commercials for the apple slices with the sauce.

After watching cartoons and commercials, children are allowed to choose either food stamps to be advertised with the input of their parents, half of them encourage their children to choose healthy choices and the other half remained neutral.

Of the children who saw the ad fries, 71 percent chose coupons for French fries if their parents remain neutral. However, that number dropped to 55 percent only when the children were encouraged by their parents to choose healthier options. "The urge parents to eat healthy can help dispel the advertising message, although the effect is small," said Dr. 

Meanwhile, the group of children who saw the ad apple slices with the sauce, only 46 percent chose fries when their parents remain neutral.

Instead of banning advertising to children, the researchers suggest that politicians, lawyers, and more food manufacturers to concentrate on ways to promote healthy food choices ad. "The effect advertising can work very well to cultivate a healthy diet," said Dr.

Why Can Slimming Candy - Full Article Read here

Candy is one of the snacks are very attached to our everyday lives, especially children. Actually not only the children, for adults too candy is a food that's fun, especially with shapes, colors, and flavors are diverse.

Candy or sugar-sugar (confectionary) is a high-calorie foods that are generally made ​​from sugar, water and fructose syrup. Sugar content in most candy is high so that it can cause cavities. However, there are you know the benefits of healthy sweets, including weight loss. Want to know what are the benefits of candy? Here are a few:

1. Chocolate reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke
A new study supports the reasons for chewing. People who eat a little chocolate every day 40 percent less likely to suffer a heart attack or stroke, according to research at the European Heart Journal.

2. People who eat sweets have a smaller waist circumference
Fans of mainly fruit-flavored candy, cheer up! Because, those who like fruit-flavored chewing gum is more likely to have lower body mass index and waist smaller than those who rarely chew. According to researchers at Louisiana State University. However, to balance it with healthy foods is the key.

3. Chewing gum increases alertness
Believe it or not, chewing gum will make us stay alert, according to a study from Coventry University. Just chew gum in the afternoon when you're sleepy.

4. Can help you lose weight
When consumed in moderation, candy can help us to slim. According to research from the University School of Medicine in Athens, those who like to eat candy often feel satisfied with smaller portions of food

Prevent Back Pain when Working in Office

Pain's back seems to have become part of modern life. About 7 out of 10 employees is estimated to have experienced. Back pain is a major cause of days off work, and is the second most common cause of long-term illness in Britain, after the stress.

Most cases of back pain is not caused by lifting heavy objects or move too much, but precisely because it is too long sitting on the bench office. Many employees who did not even move from their seats and many others who choose to eat lunch at their desks rather than the way to the cafeteria.

Not only can sit lower back hurts you, but also the position of bending and poor posture. To prevent the development of back pain due to too long in front of the computer, try the following tips:

1. Relax while sitting in a chair. Make sure your lower back touching the back of the chair.

2. Make sure your feet touching the floor or use a foot rest.

3. There should be space between the front of your seat and the back of the calf.

4. Your hips should be higher than the knee.

5. The arm should be parallel with the level of the elbow or table you use.

6. Use chairs with armrests.

7. Resting on a regular basis. Do not always sit at the computer for more than 40 minutes.

8. When it breaks, take a walk or stretching.

9. Remove all objects from under the table so you have enough legroom.

10. The same position without a break also increases the risk of neck pain.

11. Position the monitor should be straight and make sure it is directly in front of you not in the corner.

12. The top of the screen should be aligned at eye level and you do not need to look for, rotate the body, or lean forward to use it

Extracting Roots Cut down Sweet Hot Flush

Extract can reduce hot flush which is usually experienced by women who had menopause by up to 80 percent. Extract a named licogen also slows the bone thinning that can lead to osteoporosis.

In a recent study, experts at the University of Southern California provides 50 mg licogen female participants in the form of a pill every day. They were monitored for a year. They then compared with other women participants are given a dummy drug and another group given 100 mg  every day.

As quoted from DailyRecord, Wednesday (19/10), small-scale study of 51 of these women showed no additional benefit of 100 mg licogen than 50 mg. However, women in the 50 mg of hot flushes decreased nearly 80 percent from an average of about 10 days to about two days.

Furthermore, those who experience hot flush in the evening or night sweats menlamai known as a decrease of about four nights in two nights only.

Hot flushes are usually perceived as a sensation of hot or warm all of a sudden is often accompanied by sweating, reddening of the skin, and heart palpitations.

Monday, 24 October 2011

10 Ways to Go Charming

Seem, such as not to be outdone, day more and more attention to appearance. Men no longer synonymous with cool, appearances be reliable to make ourselves the spirit and confidence. Evidently, the number of plastic surgery for men in Hollywood rise.

Appearance is okay just takes good care through a healthy lifestyle. Yes, for a man healthy lifestyle is enough to improve physical appearance. Follow these simple tips in health care and nutrition so that better-looking:

1. Caring for leather
Do not hesitate to use a moisturizer to prevent dry skin. Even more importantly, use sunscreen to delay premature aging and damage due to excessive ultraviolet rays which can be either black spots and moles are certainly unsightly. It will definitely make a big difference in appearance. Also get used to routine shaving and brushing teeth.

2. Quit smoking
Smoking causes wrinkles worse than the sun. Smoking will rob skin collagen that give skin texture, strength, and elasticity so that it will accelerate the aging process. Smoking can also make skin look dull and dark.

3. Healthy Eating
With a healthy diet, you will have skin and hair more shine. The key, eat a balanced diet.

4. Get enough sleep
It is recommended that we meet the 8 hours of sleep. Sleep will rejuvenate all the organs of the body, including skin. Also, reduce tension and anxiety as well as wrinkles.

5. Simply drinking
Skin needs water to function properly, especially in the fight against damage caused by sunlight. Drink eight glasses of water a day to dissolve the toxins from the body and bring nutrients into the skin layer (dermis).

6. Keep your weight
Losing weight is always an ideal that will not only improve the appearance, but also reduces the risk of stroke, cancer, diabetes and other diseases. However, avoid radical diet.

7. Consumption of antioxidants
Antioxidants such as vitamins A, C, and E are found in fruits and vegetables is very important. They improve skin elasticity and reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer.

8. Cardio Exercise
Cardio exercise will reduce stress, make you happier and make the skin glow. This can be done with a light walking or cycling. Exercise should also be fun and you should feel comfortable doing it.

9. Avoid alcoholic beverages
Alcohol causes swelling of tissues, especially eyes swollen, and often encourages poor eating habits. Will inevitably end up with weight gain.

10. Stand up straight
Good posture actually make an appearance to be okay. Do not get used to stand or sit with hunched.

15 Obligations when Pregnant - Health Tips

You are pregnant, here's 15 things you must remember to mnejalani lalukan and a safe and healthy pregnancy.

1. Folic Acid
Take one tablet of folic acid every day while pregnant and continue to do so until the time you visit the doctor.

2. Do not take random drug
Avoid drugs without a prescription and inform your doctor about your pregnancy before taking any medication.

3. Prioritize pregnancy
Do not miss regular checkups, follow all your doctor's advice, say no to overtime, and take extra breaks.

4. Join a pregnancy program
This program will educate you about diet, exercise, and breastfeeding. As well, preparing you for childbirth and child care, eliminate fears and learn from others' experiences.

5. Eat right
Choose more home cooking than junk food, wheat products instead of refined sugar, fresh foods than processed food, and multiply the fruit juice instead of coffee and tea. Eating too many nuts, dairy products, sprouts, vegetables, and fruits.

6. Mild exercise
Pamper your body with light exercise such as walking, cycling, swimming, or yoga unless your doctor forbids it. Avoid lifting heavy weights and keep yourself to keep it hydrated.

7. Understand and accept the changes in body
Your body is changing. Bigger breasts, stretch marks begin to appear, and you gain weight. That pa taka fine, thanks and enjoy the happiness of being a mother.

8. Keep your weight
Weight gain is usually started from the fourth month. You will add about 450 grams per week.

9. Visit the dentist
Pregnancy makes you susceptible to bleeding gums and gum disease. Dental infections, if untreated, can lead to preterm labor. So take care of oral hygiene and fill the schedule of visits to the dentist.

10. Wear appropriate clothing
Choose loose-fitting dress with a low-heeled footwear is comfortable. Choose a bra with good and fitting. Pa taka when frequently changing size according to need.

11. No drinking or smoking
Smoking shall be prohibited and minun alcohol while pregnant!

12. Walk
Second trimester (4 to 6 months) is the safest time to travel. More choose travel by train than by air or have a private car. Avoid visiting places that do not have easy access to medical care and always carry a copy of your medical file.

13. Sex
The second trimester is also the safest time to enjoy sex. Consult with your doctor if you have complications that require you to abstain. You may have to change position to avoid pressure on the abdomen.

14. Involve husband
Allow your partner to accompany you to the doctor, discuss baby names, and let him feel your baby move. Do not ignore him so that he is more motivated to pamper you!

15. Immediately report the doctor
Immediately report to your doctor if you experience pain over the lower abdomen, bloody, or if your baby is less mobile.
16.. Choose the appropriate hospital
In addition to obstetricians are comfortable, consider the distance from the hospital where you live. Note also the hygiene and medical facilities as well as discuss the budget and insurance facilities

Slide Exenatide Injectable Diabetes Daily

News good for people with diabetes, the National Health Service (NHS) has been recommended as a substitute injectable weekly injections twice a day.

This new treatment is another version of the previous treatment that mimics one of the hormones of the body. Now, the drug exenatide has also been included in the guide treatment of diabetes. Exenatide is marketed under the brand Bydureon proved quite effective in controlling type 2 diabetes as compared with 14 injections for a week.

Exenatide including a new class of medicines known as incretin mimetics that stimulate the pancreas to produce more insulin in response to the enlargement of blood sugar and also affects digestion and appetite.

The drug is manufactured by the pharmaceutical company Lilly, mimic hormones found in a lizard from Mexico. Lizard pink and black, called Gila Monster has a chemical in its saliva which is similar to the human hormone that helps regulate blood sugar.

Lizards eat only three or four times a year, but the compound exendin-4 to help digest food very slowly. That method is then produced synthetically to produce exenatide. This drug helps the body produce more insulin when needed, reducing the amount of glucose produced by the liver when not needed, and reduce the rate of digestion of food.

To that end, the level of glucose is released into the blood meal will be reduced. In addition to easier to use, these drugs have been tested can dramatically reduce the increase in blood sugar.

A study also found that 77 percent of patients who received weekly doses have their blood sugar levels below the standards set by the researchers when compared with 61 percent who received daily injections, according to reports the Daily Express. In addition, injections  also has fewer side effects.

Friday, 21 October 2011

Simplify Yoga Breast Cancer Recovery - Read Full Article

Mental Health and quality of life is an important element in a person's recovery process from an illness after going through various medical treatments such as breast cancer surgery.

A study has found that the exercise program of yoga, particularly  yoga good for the recovery of patients with breast cancer.

For two years, a group of participants were asked to fill out questionnaires about their physical and mental health while attending  Yoga classes at the beginning and end of 10 weeks.

Once collected, these data were then analyzed and found that after attending a yoga class, 94 people felt their quality of life improved, 88 percent feel more physically fit, 87 percent are happier, and 87 percent admitted to not feel tired quickly.

Amy Speed-Andrews of the University of Alberta added another advancement reported that levels of stress, anxiety, and depression was reduced.

This is significant given  treatment of breast cancer are known to make women feel sick, tired, and depressed. According to the plan, the researchers will conduct  yoga classes in order to determine the effect of yoga on the recovery of the joints, body strength, and balance patients. This discovery has been published in the journal Cancer Nursing

Dancing Help Kids Avoid Diabetes - Read More

Fun moving their bodies to the rhythm of the song. In addition to making the heart glad, our bodies will always fit and fresh. In fact, according to a study in America, indeed dancing can help ward off obesity, a key factor in type 2 diabetes.

Be it, traditional dance and hip-hop, dance has become a fun and healthy activity. In fact, scientists have proved it by doing tests on the children who danced for an hour every week for one month.

The research team found that students on average two times more body move their days dancing. At the same time, Dr. said expressed its intention to change the lifestyle of children who are likely to increasingly unhealthy given the proliferation of video games and internet games. "Dancing is not only free, culturally relevant, is also fun. "It also is also a way that is easily done by the children to lead a more active lifestyle

Kerala PSC Recruitment Oct. 2011 for Asstt. Engineer Announced

Read this article for latest recruitment Kerala PSC
with complete detail

Name of the Department: Kerala PSC
Name of Post  : Assistant Engineer
Pay Band: Rs.13215-20655/-
Qualification : BE/B.Tech
Place of Duty :  Trivandrum
Closing Date: 16th Nov 2011
Hiring Process : Written-test.

Recruitment Details :-

Kerala Public Service Commission, inviting application for the post of Assistant Engineer (Electrical) (Special Recruitment from Scheduled Tribe only)

Name of Post : Assistant Engineer
Qualifications :- 1. Degree in Electrical Engineering from a recognized University or its equivalent OR 2. Degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering of any recognized University or its equivalent. OR 3. AMIE (India) part A and B in Electrical Engineering. OR 4. Associate Membership Diploma in Electrical Engineering of Institute of Engineers (India) or any other Diploma recognised as its equivalent there to.
 No of Post : 22 Post
Age Limit : 18-40 years
Pay Band : Rs. 13215-20655/-

Apply Process  :- The applications with photo uploaded shall be submitted by On-line only.Last Date for receipt of applications : 16/11/ 2011 Wednesday upto 12 Midnight.

NRSC-ISRO Recruitment Oct. 2011 Announced

Read this article for latest recruitment  NRSC-ISRO
 with complete detail

Name of the Department: NRSC-ISRO
Name of Post : Research Scientist
Pay Band: Rs.15600-39100/-
Qualification : BE/B Tech, ME/M Tech, M Phil / Ph D, M Sc
Place of Duty : Hyderabad
Closing Date: 15/11/2011
Hiring Process : Interview

Recruitment Details :- National Remote Sensing Centre-ISRO inviting application for the post of Research Scientist.

Name of Post : Research Scientist
Qualifications :-ME/M.Tech in CSE/Electronics/IT after BE/B.Tech(CSE/Electronics/IT (OR) M.Sc. in CS/ Electronics/ IT/ Applied Mathematics/Statistics/ Physics/Geoinformatics. Desirable : Web Application S/w development using Web Services/ Programming in NET, C#, FLEX, AJAX, J2EE, Java Script, C&C++, etc. /Customized DSS development in Server GIS Environment/Data Base Programming. Preference will be given to the candidates having experience of developing web applications using ArcGIS server 10.1 and Adobe Flex.
No. of Post : 16 Post
Age Limit : 18-35 years
Pay Band : Rs.15600-39100 + GP`5400/-

Apply Process  :- Candidate should apply Online . The application for on-line registration will be hosted between 20.10.2011 and 15.11.2011.

Unique Identification Authority of India Recruitment 2011 Announced

 Read this article for latest recruitment Unique Identification Authority of India
 with complete detail

Name of the Department :  Unique Identification Authority of India
Name of Post :  Senior System Analyst
Pay Band :  Rs. 16,000/-PM
Qualification   :  MCA , BE
Place of Duty  :  New Delhi
Closing Date : 30th Nov 2011

Recruitment Details :-

Unique Identification Authority of India Invites application for the post of Senior System Analyst

Name of Post : Senior System Analyst
Qualifications  : – MCA/BE Computer Science/ Electronics/ Communications Engineering, IT or equivalent/ M.Sc Computer Science/ Electronics/IT or equivalent.
Desirable Experience  :  IT background in DATABASE administration. Network/ Network Security Administration, Linux administrati9on/ DATAcentre operations; (ii) dealing IT procurements/IT inventory management/ Accounts and admin process.
Pay Scale :  Rs.15600-39100 plus Grade Pay of Rs.6600/-
No of Post :  03 Post

Apply Process : -  The applications along with Cadre clearance/Vigilance clearance from Departments and copies of five years ACRs duly attested by an officer of the level of Under Secretary should be forwarded through parent Departments in the prescribed format attached.Last Date for receipt of applications complete is 30.11.2011.

Thursday, 20 October 2011

Bharat Electronics Limited Recruitment Oct 2011 - Read Full Detail

 Read this article for latest recruitment Bharat Electronics Limited
 with complete detail

Name of the Department :  Bharat Electronics Limited
Name of  Post : Graduate Apprentices
Pay Band :  Rs. 3,560/-PM
Qualification  :  BE  ,  B.Tech
Place of Duty  : Bangalore
Interview Date :  18th Nov 2011

Recruitment Details  : –

Bharat Electronics Limited  ,   propose to engage Engineers as Graduate Apprentices under the Apprenticeship Act 1961, purely for one year in the following designated subject fields for Bangalore Complex

Name of Post  :  Graduate Apprentices
Qualifications  : - 1s t Class in Engineering and Pass class for SC/ST/PHP candidates.Note : Candidates should have passed Engineering Degree examination on or after 01.01.2009.
No  Of   Post  : 420 Posts
Age Limit  : 25 years
Pay Band  : as per the Government norms (Rs. 3,560/-per month).

Apply Process   : -  Walk -in Selection For Graduate in Engg for the Graduate Apprenticeship Training On 18 th & 19th November , AT CLD/BEL.Following are the documents to be produced in original for verificatio: SSLC Marks Card (as proof of age).Degree Origina l Cert ificate or Provisional Degree cert ificate (PDC). SC/ST/PHP cert ificates (if any for verification). Only Indian Nat ionals are eligible.

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

9 Common Symptoms of Cancer

Although every type of cancer has its own characteristics and specific symptoms, there are some common symptoms of cancer that most came in all types of cancer.

Some types of cancer does not have specific symptoms until the latter stages so that routine screening and risk assessment is a must. Here are 10 symptoms of cancer that you should not ignore in order to perform detection as early as possible.

1. Weight loss is not unreasonable
Significant weight loss over several months with no obvious cause can be one of the major signs you may be suffering from cancer. This condition is most common in pancreatic cancer, stomach, esophagus, or lung.

2. Fever
Fever may be associated with some types of cancer. Nearly all cancer patients will experience fever, especially if the treatment of cancer affecting the immune system.

3. Painful
The pain usually occurs late. Early-stage cancer usually does not cause pain. Pain most often occurs because the cancer has spread. This condition is usually felt on the bone or testicular cancer.

4. Changes in skin
A change in skin color or the color of existing mole or the appearance of new lesions. Skin cancer can develop in some parts of the body, especially in people who often chew tobacco, smoke, drink alcohol, or skin wounds that never healed.

5. CHAPTER pattern changes
Changes in bowel habits or bladder function such as constipation, diarrhea, bleeding in the urine.

6. Unusual bleeding
That could happen in early or advanced stage cancer. Blood in the sputum (phlegm) may be a sign of lung cancer. Blood in the stool could be a sign of colon cancer or rectal cancer. Cancer of the cervix (lining of the uterus) can cause abnormal vaginal bleeding. Blood in the urine may be symptoms of bladder cancer or kidney cancer. Blood from the nipple may be a sign of breast cancer.

7. Lump in breast or other body parts
These symptoms may be caused by reasons other than cancer. The doctor is the best person to identify it. Rather than waiting for symptoms worse the better you undergo periodic medical examinations.

8. Indigestion or difficulty swallowing
This condition is usually associated with stomach or esophageal cancer. Immediately see and treat is the best way to prevent further progression.

9. Cough
This can be one of the main symptoms of throat cancer. If the cough has not go away for a long time, perhaps a symptom of lung cancer or vocal cords

Evidence of Stress Increase Risk of Breast Cancer

FOR your womenfolk, do not let yourself drag on the stress because it will harm your health, especially breast. The proof, a study says that psychosocial stress may play a role in the etiology of breast cancer aggressiveness, especially among minority populations.

"We found that after diagnosis, breast cancer patients who are blacks and Hispanics reported higher stress levels than their white. Stress is also associated with tumor aggressiveness.

Then, the stress levels of patients examined two to three months.

The study included 989 breast cancer patients recently diagnosed. The participants consisted of 411 races non-Hispanic blacks, 397 non-Hispanic white, and 181 Hispanics.

The results showed that the high value of psychosocial stress experienced by black patients and Hispanic. "Those who reported higher stress levels tend to have more aggressive tumors," "However, we do not know is if we ask the same question five years before diagnosis, would we have seen a similar relationship between stress and aggressiveness of breast cancer?"

"It is unclear what drives this relationship. Perhaps, the level of stress in the lives of patients affected the aggressiveness of the tumor. It's possible," he said as quoted by the Times of India, Tuesday

LIC Recruitment Oct 2011 Announced

Read this article for latest recruitment LIC with complete detail

Name of the Department: LIC of India ( Eastern Zonal Office)
Name of Post : Financial Service Executives
Pay Band: Not Specified
Qualification : Graduate, Diploma
Place of Duty :  All India
Closing Date: 1st Nov  2011
Hiring Process : Written-test.

Recruitment Details :- Financial Service Executives Recruitment in LIC of India ( Eastern Zonal Office).

Name of Post : Financial Service Executives
Qualifications :- Applicant shall possess the Bachelor’s Degree of a University in India established under a statute. Preference may be given to those applicants who possess the Bachelor Degree or Diploma in Marketing /Management. Good working knowledge of English and also one Regional language preferably local language is desirable. Knowledge of soft skills such as Power Point / Word / Excel would be additional advantage.
No. of Post : 62 Post.
Age Limit : The applicant shall have completed 21 years of age and not more than 35 years of age as on 31.10.2011.
Application Fee :- For all candidates (other than SC/ST category): Rs.100.00 . The Application Fee shall be paid by Demand Draft only (valid for six months), favouring “Life Insurance Corporation of India” and payable at KOLKATA .Candidate’s name and date of birth should be written on the reverse of the Demand Draft.

Apply Process  :- Application Form completed in all respects with enclosures should be posted in a closed cover with a superscription on the cover “Engagement of Financial Services Executives, _________ Division, Eastern Zone” to the Divisional Offices.Last date for receipt of Application Form together with Demand Draft towards application fees will be 01st November,2011.

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Central Board For Workers Education Recruitment Oct 2011 Announced

Read this article for latest recruitment Central Board For Workers Education
 with complete detail

Name of the Department :  Central Board For Workers Education
Name of Post :  Education Officer
Pay Band :  Rs 9,300-34,800/-PM
Qualification  :  MBA
Place of Duty :  Nagpur
Closing Date : 28th Oct 2011

Recruitment Details  : –

Central Board For Workers Education conduct for the post of Education Officer

Name of Post :  Education Officer
Qualifications  : -  A Second Class Master’s Degree of a recognized University in Economics, social Work, Sociology, Industrial Relation and Personnel Management, Political Science, MBA with specialization in Industrial Relations/ Personnel Management with at least 50% marks.
Pay Band  : Rs.5500-9,000/-PM
No  of  Post  : 57 Posts
Age  Limit  :  28 Years

Apply Process : – Application in the prescribed format. Application complete in all respects in the format given below, should be sent to the Director, Central Board For Workers Education, North Ambazari Road, Nagpur – 440 033 so as to reach on or before 28-10-2011.

BRLIPS Recruitment Oct 2011 Announced

Read this article for latest recruitment BRLIPS with complete detail

Name of Department : Bihar Rural Livelihoods Promotion Society
Name of Post : Manager, Training Officer, Accountant
Pay Band: Rs.9500-27700/-
Qualification : B Sc, Graduate, MCA, MSW, PG Diploma, MBA/PGDM
Place of Duty: Bihar
Closing Date: 29th Oct  2011
Hiring Process: Written-test.

Recruitment Details :-

Name of Post : Manager
Qualifications :-Postgraduate degree completed in any discipline with at least 2 years relevant experience or graduate degree completed in any discipline with at least 4 yrs relevant experience. Fresh MBA/PG diploma in Rural Management/MSW/MCA preferably from reputed institute may also apply for the position.
No. of Post : 6 Post
Pay Band : Rs. 19800 to Rs.27700/-

Name of Post : Training Officer
Qualifications :-Postgraduate degree completed in any discipline with at least 1 year relevant experience or graduate degree completed in any discipline with at least 3 yrs relevant experience in conducted training programmes using participatory training techniques to project staff as well as to the communities preferably in SHG promotion/ livelihoods. Fresh post graduate diploma or PG degree holders in social work, rural development, management, agriculture and allied from premier institutes are also eligible to apply.
No. of Post : 2 Post
Pay Band : Rs. 17400 to Rs.22800/-

Name of Post : Accountant
Qualifications :-Graduate degree in commerce with at least 1 year relevant experience.
No. of Post : 17 (UR-3, EBC-3, BCW-1, SC-10) Post.
Pay Band : Rs. 9500 to Rs. 16100/-

Apply Process :-Candidates should Apply Online Only. Last date for receiving application is 29th October 2011.">>