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Friday, 18 May 2012 - onlinesbi login for SBI's netbanking

Today we will discuss about (SBI online net banking)

The online banking has reduced the paper work at banks to a large extent and is also enabling the users to access their account with the click of a mouse. The State Bank of India, one of the largest Nationalized Banks has also launched the facility of online banking through its portal.

The following is the procedure to avail the online banking facility of the SBI:
  • The same should be filled in, refer to instructions before filling the form
  • The filled up application form should be submitted to the SBI bank branch where the applicant is holding the account
  • The facility is available only to the SBI account holders.
  • If the applicant has more than one SBI account, he should make separate applications for each account and apply to the branches where the account is maintained. Single application will be sufficient for the accounts maintained at the same branch.
  • In case the account is being operated jointly, the online registration will be made in the name of all the holders. But the transaction rights will be issued only to the person who has the account operation authority
  • Upon receiving the online banking request application, the applicant will be issued a user id and a password. There will be two passwords, one for the log in and the other for executing the transaction.
  • The password should be changed at regular intervals for security reasons.
  • If the user forgets his password, he should again make application for generating the password; the system will not retrieve the password in any circumstances.
  • Using the user id and the password, the account holder can access his SBI account details from system having internet connectivity. However, as a matter of caution, public computers should be avoided to access the net banking facility.


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