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Sunday, 4 December 2011

Interest Electro Acupuncture More - Doctors Tips

AS a sophisticated system of acupuncture (acupuncture), method of acupuncture with electrical stimulation using a tool, or better known as electroacupuncture appears to be more interested by the doctors and almost all hospitals in India.

Chairman of Specialist Doctors Association of Medical Acupuncture (PDAI), dr. Pack Abdurrohim, MARS, M. Kes, Spak said, electroacupuncture become more attractive due to several factors, among others, the treatment efficiency, specific effects on pain, relaxation, blood circulation and muscle, a more objective measurement, and the stimuli which can be given stronger and rapidly with minimal tissue damage.

"This is what makes this great demand electroacupuncture doctors, and of course also the patient, rather than manual acupuncture," said Pack as a speaker in Workshop Annual Scientific Meeting of Medical Acupuncture 2011, at the Multipurpose Building RSPN dr. Cipto Mangunkusomo, Central Jakarta, Sunday (4 / 12).

In addition, said Pack, from the cost side, electroacupuncture with manual acupuncture is somewhat different, in which electroacupuncture bit more expensive.

"But not too much different with a manual. Sure as supported equipment is also yes. Apart from depending on the types of case as well," said Pack, who is a specialist medical acupuncture at the RSCM and MH Thamrin Hospital, Jakarta.

He added, as more and more popular, it is hoped the doctors have to keep learning and where possible become proficient with this method. After all he said, if electroacupuncture is run by haphazard, it is not likely to cause certain side effects.

"That's why this workshop we conduct every year so that these doctors are equipped with the knowledge and expertise continues to latest acupuncture. In order for security is also assured," said alumni of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Srivijaya and the University of India.

PDAI he said in the near future will also conduct a study tour to the largest government hospital in Guangzhou, China to explore more about pengoabatan acupuncture. Currently, the PDAI consists of 129 medical specialists acupuncture is spread over a number of government and private hospitals throughout India.


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