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Tuesday, 7 February 2012

IBPS Specialist Officer Admit Card 2012 Download

Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS)  will going to released Specialist Officer 2012 admit card on their website in upcoming days. Candidates can download  Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS)  Admit Card or Hall Ticket from IBPS Official website at or witch us. We will give you latest update about IBPS admit card 2012 information.

Total 19 Public Sector Banks have decided to conduct a common written examination for recruiting Specialist Officer, This Common Written Examination (CWE) will be conducted by Indian Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS). Candidates can be download IBPS admit card 2012 for Specialist officer written exam.

IBPS will be taken Specialist Officer written exam on 11th March 2012 different centers in India. List of Participating bank which will invited the application for recruitment to the post of Specialist Officer.

  1.  Andhra Bank
  2.  Dena Bank
  3.  Oriental Bank of Commerce
  4.  Indian Overseas Bank
  5.  Punjab National Bank
  6. Syndicate Bank
  7. Punjab & Sindh Bank
  8. Union Bank of India
  9. UCO Bank
  10. Vijaya Bank
  11. United Bank of India
  12. Allahabad Bank
  13. Bank of India
  14. Bank of Baroda
  15. Canara Bank
  16. Bank of Maharashtra
  17. Corporation Bank
  18. Central Bank of India
  19. Indian Bank


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