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Saturday, 4 February 2012

Long Working Hours Increase Risk of Depression

Duration of a very long suspected to increase one's risk of developing depression. This is the result of research from the Department of Psychiatry, Mumbai Medical University, India

The study followed 2123 volunteers in the Indian civil service, has found the conclusion that the hours of work done over 11 hours per day at the office, proved to contribute to higher levels of depression.

In the study mentioned that the number of hours of work will basically raise the level of cortisol, a hormone that increases the stress triggers, and if done often it will be the doubling of depression.

Alan Gelenberg, MD, chairman of the research is to add the amount of depression would not matter if you work only 8-9 hours per day. But it must be supplied by eating healthy foods, reduce dependence on cigarettes, and has enough time to sleep at night.


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