If you want to buy in the store and online with your credit card, for example, with the Maestro card or pay using a payment service provider, the card is required. You have to know which of the many combinations of numbers is correct.
Never did a little shopping so easy. You order online via the Internet to order a product or a service and not pay cash, of course, but take your Maestro card or a credit card to help. Then you need to know but with the combination of numbers on your card and they can differ.
Distinguish three number combinations on the Maestro card
Pay with PayPal, for example, you will be asked to authorize the payment process with the input of three number combinations.
- On the front of your card, it was a Mastro or a credit card, please see the embossed font card number by 16, divided into four fields, numbers. They called for in the appropriate input box first.
- In a second step, you will be prompted to specify the effective date or expiration date of your card. Again, this statement can be found on the front of your card. It is illustrated with month / year. Example: 06/14 means that your card until the end of June of 2014 is valid.
The verification code is on the back
- Finally the card is required. In the jargon it's called CVV2 or CVC2 with the symbol. Turn your Maestro card to. You will see a text field where you make your personal signature. You can also find the card. The verification code is printed on the signature box and contains 7 digits. The numbers are not marked or electronically stored on the magnetic stripe.
- Enter only the last three digits that are outside on the edge of the signature field, a given in the text box and authorize your payment so that finally with the Maestro card.
Do not confuse the number combinations are not using your checking account number. These may be listed on the Maestro card. Note that this will gradually shift from EBAN international number and the BIC code (instead of the conventional sort code) replaced.
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