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Sunday, 4 December 2011

Shown Beauty Tips for the Busy Mom - Beauty tips

For a career woman, surely it would be difficult to find time to perform self-care. Not just office work, we must also look after children, preparing meals, and housekeeping.

You can still look so beautiful should be busy whipping, follow some tips below:

1. Diligent drinking water
There are so many benefits of the H20 include maintaining skin health, nutrition, brighten eyes, and better energy. Water also dissolves naturally hydrate and toxins, thereby reducing swelling.

2. Olive oil
Olive oil is an excellent moisturizer for the skin. Sophia Loren was admired and use olive oil to moisturize the face. As a result he looks pretty darn fantastic! Try to apply a little olive oil to the face after cleansing and massage and see the difference!

3. Teeth whitening strips
A smile is one of the first things people notice about you. To get a brighter smile with white teeth shining, consider using teeth whitening strips before you go to bed. You will see the difference, the teeth will be whiter in just a few weeks.

4. Make-up 10 minutes
Here are some tips on wearing make-up which takes just about 10 minutes.

a. Mineral makeup: Use a mineral make-up that only takes 10 minutes to trim in the face.
b. Mascara: Add several coats of mascara to really make eyes more light.
c. Lip gloss: Apply a little lip gloss color to show a clear impression of sheen and moisture in your pretty mouth.

5. eyebrow shape
After dropping the kids off to school, make an appointment at the spa or salon subscriptions to shape eyebrows. Cleaning eyebrows can create wonders for your face shape, especially the eyes. Eyebrow shape can make a big difference in your overall appearance.


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