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Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Simple Tricks Spend 15 Minutes to Sports

The main reason many people do not exercise that did not have time or do not have the time. Whether true or not, in fact, take the time to exercise is not easy.

Here are 15 easy ways to steal an extra 15 minutes of your day to exercise.

1. Turn off Facebook
People spend an average of 7 hours a month to access social networking sites. With log off of Facebook just 15 minutes a day would not be detrimental to it?

2. Say no!
When a person (not a boss) asks you to do something but you do not have the time, say, "I'm sorry, I can not."

3. Avoid multitasking
Trying to do too many things at once can lead to a necessity. Make a list of activities ranging from the most important, there will be free time you can find.

4. Record TV schedule
A TV show lasted 1 hour typically contains only 40-42 minutes and the rest is advertising. With record TV, you'll have extra time 15 minutes for light exercise.

5. Do not be too clean
Is it important to your TV or your painting is really shiny and free of dust? Setop wasting valuable time and miss a bit the dust for a workout.

6. Mark the calendar
You'll find the time or day that has a lot of spare time so it will definitely be able to spend only 15 minutes to exercise.

7. Turn on the alarm
On the sidelines of the daily tasks that require a lot of time waiting for machines such as washing or cooking, turn the timer for 15 minutes and then work out until the time runs out and you kemabli main task.

8. Pick up the phone
By calling, you will save more time than chatting or sending e-mails.

9. Wake up 15 minutes early
Wake up in the morning was 15 minutes early. Even if you do not use the extra time to exercise, you will arrive at the office earlier than usual so you will more likely take the time to exercise 15 minutes at a later date.

10. Place the item in its place
We often throw-interest of time looking for keys. The key can be anywhere, in pockets, drawers, purses, or even hanging from the door lock. With accustomed to put stuff in one place, we will have plenty of time to do other things such as sports.


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